Wednesday, 10 September 2014



Part 3 The Start of the Journey

Prior to filming "The Means", all the actors had been advanced a draft script which wasn't complete. To give us the main story and something to get us "into character" as such.

This had been purposely done, I later found out, to ensure we had to become integrally involved in completing the script and allowing us to have our input into the final product which in itself was both exciting and educational.

Some of the actors or "talent" as the crew liked to call us, had very little acting experience especially in front of film/TV cameras.

It's not until you actually get to witness the full process that you begin to realise why there are so many people involved .. and why it seems to take so long just to get a few seconds of film that will end up in front of an audience. You really have to experience it for yourself to appreciate.

The main benefit I picked up from the following 4 days was the 110% commitment everybody gave to the project without exception and many on a voluntary basis. NOBODY wanted to let the "TEAM" down. Both the Producer and Director were keen to instill this sense of responsibility within everyone involved. I was beginning to see the value in the whole "subtly educative and disciplined" process which was evolving. No wonder Sachia had been having such success with his "class pupils" whilst utilising these methods and skills within the "school system"!!!

Due to the nature of the process, whilst you were "off camera" you were able to get to know your new found companions better and very quickly we were identifying with like minded individuals and favouring company accordingly... but nobody was left out of the loop due to the overall appeal of the whole project. What a wonderful way to improve physical community spirit!

The story itself, a gritty urban drama centered around a Midlands family, is about Ewan (that's me), who loses his daughter in a tragic car accident whilst being driven by his son-in-law who escaped relatively unscathed ... until now! This short film picks up at the point where the funeral has just taken place. What follows pitches family loyalty against moral beliefs and the ensuing consequences which end in a final twist of fate!

I'm not going to furnish you with spoilers in future blogs .. but I will describe how filming took place and give an insight into some of the fun we had during the process, along with highlighting the benefits of getting involved with such a project.

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